תמר גרצ'וק | Tamar Gerchuk, "Holy women", oil on French canvas (canvas attached to cardboard), 90 by 60 cm
Regular price $9,900.00
תמר גרצ'וק | Tamar Gerchuk, "Censorship", oil on French canvas (canvas attached to cardboard), 80 by 60 cm
Regular price $5,400.00
תמר גרצ'וק | Tamar Gerchuk, "Woman of Valor", oil on French canvas (canvas attached to cardboard), 90 by 60 cm
תמר גרצ'וק | Tamar Gerchuk, "All the world's a stage", oil on French canvas (canvas attached to cardboard), 80 by 60 cm
תמר גרצ'וק | Tamar Gerchuk, "bible stories and alien stories", oil on canvas 40 by 30 cm
Regular price $5,300.00
תמר גרצ'וק | Tamar Gerchuk, "Little and big queen", oil on canvas 18 by 13 cm
Regular price $1,200.00
תמר גרצ'וק | Tamar Gerchuk, "And the fox shall dwell with a hen", oil on canvas 40 by 30 cm
Regular price $6,200.00
תמר גרצ'וק | Tamar Gerchuk, "And the crow shall dwell with the pigeon", oil on canvas 30 by 30 cm
Regular price $4,200.00
תמר גרצ'וק | Tamar Gerchuk, "Frog prince", oil on canvas 24 by 18 cm
Regular price $2,300.00
תמר גרצ'וק | Tamar Gerchuk, "The war of the sea turtle women", oil on canvas 30 by 30 cm
תמר גרצ'וק | Tamar Gerchuk, "A believer's dream", oil on canvas 30 by 30 cm
תמר גרצ'וק | Tamar Gerchuk, "The wind in the willows", oil on canvas 40 by 30 cm
תמר גרצ'וק | Tamar Gerchuk, "War and Peace (1- From a series)", oil on canvas 90 by 60 cm
Regular price $8,100.00
תמר גרצ'וק | Tamar Gerchuk, "A world of peace", oil on canvas 60 by 50 cm
Regular price $4,500.00
תמר גרצ'וק | Tamar Gerchuk, "The dream of Ethiopian Jews", oil on canvas 60 by 50 cm
תמר גרצ'וק | Tamar Gerchuk, "A Jewish prayer: Shema Yisrael" oil on canvas 60 by 50 cm
Regular price $3,600.00
תמר גרצ'וק | Tamar Gerchuk, "A religious wedding", oil on canvas 60 by 50 cm
תמר גרצ'וק | Tamar Gerchuk, "The prayer shawl", oil on canvas 60 by 50 cm
דינה לארי | Deena Lari, oil on canvas 70 by 60 cm
Regular price $1,580.00
דינה לארי | Deena Lari, oil on canvas 80 by 60 cm