Tamar Gerchuk - Painter | תמר גרצ'וק - ציירת

Tamar Gerchuk - Resume

"Through creation, I gave birth to an imaginative world which made possible for me to find existential meaning" Tamar Gerchuk.


Tamar was born in Haifa to a mother who was both a writer and painter and who influenced her a lot in her creation of painting which drew a lot on world literature, Bible stories and classical literature. The mother, Nehama Gerchuk, opened before her daughter a rich world of creation

full of variety-a thing which led the daughter into the world of illustrations which are very strict in details, a part of them in pencil and another one in gouache colours and others in black markers, in a surrealistic language which send the viewer into an imaginative world journey.

In her illustrations and short stories she is writing, Tamar will always look for the different, the exceptional and the mysterious.


During her studies at the Haifa University and after finishing her studies at the Institute of Art at Oranim college, with distinction. She turned her creation into a more intellectual and anchored more associatively in our world of reality. At that period she dealt with the subject of the woman’s image and women's rights. This subject was her final say in a solo exhibition at the Haifa Auditorium and at the 78 Biennale at the Haifa Museum of Art.

Years later she went back to the subject of Judaism and Bible stories in a humoristic way which does not lack respect for the religious laws, but still, does not dismiss a secular and academic view, she held a solo exhibition at the Bible House in Tel Aviv (June, 2009) whose subject was the Bible and Judaism from a personal perspective. In addition, she took part in various group exhibitions on a variety of subjects.

In her Art Book, published under the auspices of the Cultural Fund of the Haifa Municipality named: "Tamar Gerchuk-40 Years of Creation", she tells, shares and explains extensively the connection between her mental experiences to her life story and her creation.

She produces and edits her mother's books which were left after her death, writes and illustrates children's books of her own.

Solo Exhibitions

1976-Solo exhibition at the Cinemateque "Beit Rotschild", Haifa

1985-Solo exhibition at the Haifa Auditorium on: "The Image of the Woman from the Times of the Bible to our Days".

In December 1985- a documentary on Israeli Television within an Art  

2007- Solo exhibition at "Beit Hecht" –Haifa.

 A TV film on the community television about her creation.

2009- Solo exhibition at the Bible-House Museum in Tel Aviv on the subject of: "The Bible and Judaism from a personal perspective".

2018 - Solo exhibition- “Stories and Fairy Tales”- at the Marc Chagall Painters and Sculptors Association – Haifa.

Group Exhibitions

1978-2020- Country Group Exhibitions in Haifa, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem – from the Marc Chagall Painters and Sculptors Association - Haifa.

2012-2020- Group Exhibitions from the Illustrators' Association: “Jonah the Prophet”- at the Lighthouse Building in Tel Aviv, "The Sorcerer's Apprentice", “Ethiopian Folk Tales” at the Okashi Museum in Akko and the Reali Elijah School Hall in Ahuza- Haifa.

2018 - April- A community remembers and creates: "Lighted Creations"-a project of bereaved families at Beit Yad Labanim.

1977- Member at the Free Painters Association-Beit Hagefen. Member of the Audit Committee. Communal Exhibitions.

1978- Member of the Israeli Painters and Sculptors Association-Marc Chagall house – Haifa and the North. Group Exhibitions.

Participation in the Biennale Exhibition for young artists at the Haifa Museum.

2012- Member at the Illustrators' Association in Israel.